Recent News & Newsletters

Community Updates | 10/31

Happy Halloween, Hallett! Check out our newsletter for our latest community updates. And don’t forget to join us for Halloween festivities happening TODAY! 3-3:50 p.m.: Join us for a costume parade around Hallett! 4-6 p.m.: Join us for a hauntedContinue Reading

Community Updates | 10/18

Happy Friday, Hallett Hawks! See here for our 10/18 community newsletter:

Beginning of the Year Screening

Our Beginning of the Year screening window is open until Oct. 18! Please take 5 minutes to provide valuable input on your child’s mental health and social-emotional well-being. You can find the survey here.

Night at the Museum Fundraiser

Help our 3rd graders go on the field trip of a lifetime! Hallett 3rd graders will be studying astronomy in the spring, and we’d love to take them to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for an educational, space-themedContinue Reading

Community Updates | 10/3

Hey Hallett families! Check your emails for our latest newsletter or check it out below. πŸ‚ Newsletter highlight: Trunk or Treat is tomorrow! Join this free community event for candy, games and bouncy house fun!

Pupil Count, Pajamas and Popsicles | Oct. 1

Hey Hallett families! Your student won’t want to miss school on Oct. 1 – they can wear pajamas OR their favorite Halloween outfit! πŸ’€πŸŽƒ Plus: make sure your student is on time and they’ll get a tasty treat πŸ˜‹