Recent News & Newsletters

Denver Public Schools Back to School Event | August 10th

The Denver Public Schools Family and Community Engagement team is hosting a Back to School event on August 10th from 1-3pm! Head to Manual High School or John F. Kennedy High School for free school supplies and resources. Be sureContinue Reading

Meet the Principal | August 8th

Join us on August 8th for our Meet the Principal event! You’ll have the chance to share and discuss your dreams for Hallett with our new principal, Ms. Candice DeGrafinried, and the larger Hallett community. All members of the HallettContinue Reading

Continuations | June 4th

Hey Hallett Academy! As a reminder, here are when all of our continuations are taking place tomorrow, June 4th! See you there.

Community Newsletter | 5/28

Hey Hallett Academy! We hope you had a great weekend. Please click the link below for the latest community newsletter.

No School | 5/27

Dear Hallett Families,A reminder that this weekend is a three day weekend. There is no school on Monday, May 27th. We will see you back here on Tuesday, May 28th. Have a great long weekend!

Field Day Information

Dear Hallett Community, Field Day is coming up and here are some reminders about general rules, attire, helpful tips and more! Keep scrolling to check out our Field Day letter.