Recent News & Newsletters

CSC Meeting | March 7th

Our next CSC Meeting is coming up next week on Thursday, March 7th at 6:00pm! We will be discussing CMAS coming up, academics, Hallett data updates, and more. This will be a virtual meeting and a link will be sentContinue Reading

Conferences Reminder

Dear Hallett Families, We are reaching out to let you know that spring conferences are coming up. Teachers will be reaching out to set up conferences before spring break begins. Not all students will be having conferences as this timeContinue Reading

Summer in the City 2024

Learn, play and explore with Discovery Link! Join them for K-5 summer camps at the following locations; Eagleton, Goldrick, IAC at Harrington, Marie L Greenwood @ McGlone, Oakland @ McGlone, Barnum @ Valverde, Ellis @ Lowry and Kaiser. Registration openedContinue Reading

Hallett Academy Community Newsletter | 2/23

Read this week’s newsletter by clicking the link below!

Girls on the Run | Registration Deadline 2/24

Calling all 4th & 5th grade girls – Girls on the Run is COMING! Girls on the Run is ready to help girls thrive and shine. Girls on the Run will start the week of March 4th. We will meet after school on Monday & WednesdayContinue Reading

Meet Ms. Ana Mendoza

Dear Hallett Families, Please join us in welcoming Ms. Ana Mendoza to our Hallett community! Ms. Mendoza is our Interim Principal alongside Ms. Charmaine Keeton. She is here to support operations, discipline and culture at Hallett Academy. She was hereContinue Reading