Dear Hallett Families, This is a reminder that there is no school on Friday, April 19th due to a District Professional Learning Day. Students will return Monday, April 22nd. Enjoy your long weekend!
Read this week’s newsletter by clicking the link below!
Dear Hallett Academy Community,Please continue scrolling to view the Principal Hiring Timeline Letters (English & Spanish).
Dear Hallett Families, We are so proud of our students from week to week for all of the hard work they put into their talents and learning. Today’s newsletter is a special edition message of many different student celebrations. As…Continue Reading
Dear 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Families, This is just a reminder that we will begin CMAS testing next week. Please look at the schedule dates below. If at all possible, make sure to schedule appointments on non-testing days or…Continue Reading
Today we thank our paraprofessionals who are important to our school, teachers and students. Our paraprofessionals help create safe and welcoming cultures within our classes and consistently provide necessary support for all types of learners within our school community. Paraprofessionals…Continue Reading