Hallett Community News: 9/24/21

Posted September 24, 2021

Upcoming Dates For Your Calendar

  • Monday, September 27: No School
  • Tuesday, September 28: Spirit Wear Order Forms Due
  • Tuesday, October 5: Picture Day
  • Friday, October 15 – Monday, October 18: Fall Break, No School.

Dear Hallett Families,

Thank you for another great week of learning!

Don’t forget, there is no school for students on Monday, September 27. If you want to order Hallett spirit wear order forms are due on Tuesday, September 28! If you need one printed off please call the front office. Information on spirit wear is below, and can be found on our website by clicking here.

Enjoy the long weekend, and we can’t wait to see all of our learners on Tuesday!

With love,
Dominique Jefferson

In This Newsletter:

Picture Day October 5th!

Fresh Produce for All Families Every Friday!

Free fresh produce will be available after school on the basketball courts for all Hallett families! Produce is provided by Food Bank of the Rockies and will be available on a first come first basis.

Other non-perishable food will be available on Fridays for pick-up as well!

Friday Powersacks

Dear Hallett Families,

This school year your student will receive and bring home a large “Powersack” of food, which is being provided by your friends at Food for Thought!

We are a grass-roots group of neighbors who want to make sure every student has meals to eat over the weekend! We hope this bag will help provide meals and snacks for your student and your family each weekend. All funds for this food are privately funded with great passion. Please be respectful of the contents of the bag! Help us by ensuring all the food gets to your home or a family in need. We are very cautious of ‘expired’ dating. Please review the attached documents to understand how these dates are determined. If you don’t need the food in this bag, please pass it on to another family member or neighbor in need.

Your student will receive a Powersack every other Friday during the school year. Students will receive the Powersack on the following dates Friday:

9/24, 10/1, 10/29, 11/12, 12/3 and 12/17.

We welcome your feedback! Please let us know what you think of our program! You can reach us at info@foodforthoughtdenver.org. If you have additional questions feel free to contact your School representative, Brittany Talvy at 720-424-6099 or brittany_talvy@dpsk12.org

We wish you and your student(s) a productive and fun school year.

Bob Bell


Food For Thought – Denver



Pink Pantry Totes of Hope

Pink Pantry Totes of Hope is teaming up with the staff of Hallett Academy and the Food Bank of the Rockies to offer a supply of nutritious meals and snacks for students over their weekends and extended breaks, free of charge. Bags will be distributed to students at dismissal on the last school day before the weekend or break. Occasionally there will be fresh produce and food available on Friday on the playground by the basketball courts.

Any child enrolled in Hallett Academy is able to receive these weekly bags of food. If you feel like your family is in need from this program, we encourage you to sign up by filling the form out below and returning it to school. Only one form is needed per family, but include information for each child on the form below. This information is kept confidential. Once your family is signed up, they will receive bags of food each week until they leave the school or until you no longer wish to participate.

We encourage you to take advantage of this program for your family and your students. Questions or concerns? Please contact: Brittany Talvy, School Psychologist 720-424-6099 or at Brittany_talvy@dpsk12.org


Click here to download the form | Fill out online: https://forms.gle/4mPvo4tfEwKYRJeW9

Pink Pantry Totes of Hope Opt-In Form

Please sign my student(s) up for the Pink Pantry Totes of Hope Program. I understand my student(s) will

soon start receiving a bag of food at the end of each week for his/her use over the weekend or school holiday.

PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. Today’s Date ___________________

Parent/Guardian Name______________________________________________________

Parent/ Guardian Telephone Number: ___________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email Address ______________________________________________________

Any Food Allergies or any dietary restrictions:_________________________________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________ Teacher and Grade:___________________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________ Teacher and Grade:___________________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________ Teacher and Grade:___________________________

Child’s Name: ______________________________ Teacher and Grade:___________________________

(Please check) My family is interested in receiving a Thanksgiving or Holiday basket. More

information to follow.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

It’s National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15-Oct 15)! Learn more about here. Additional resources can be found below:

Black Family Advisory Council

Join the Black Family Advisory Council to make positive changes for Black students and families in Denver Public Schools!

How to get involved:

  • Join our discussion with the new DPS superintendent on the needs of our community. Sign up here
  • Fill out our interest form and we will get you added to our communications to join our next meeting. Sign up here

Follow us on social media: @DPS.BFAC

Email us: DPS.BFAC@gmail.com

Interested in Volunteering?

If you are interested in volunteering this year at Hallett, visit DPS Volunteer Services and please email our Dean of Culture Kelsey Rogstad at Kelsey_Rogstad@dpsk12.org. In your email please include: 

  • Days of the week you can help
  • If you have preferred classroom

Cultivating Genius in Black Students

You are invited to join virtually for a special one-night-only event Wednesday, September 29 from 4 to 6 pm EST as we engage in a thought-provoking conversation focused on Cultivating Genius Within Black Children.
Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, author of Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally and Historically Responsive Literacy, will deliver the keynote address.
Dr. Muhammad’s keynote will provide interactive and foundational experiences of culturally and historically responsive education to teachers and leaders. The talk will blend history, theory, and practical/engaging approaches for understanding and implementing culturally and historically responsive education (CHRE) instructional practices. Dr. Muhammad will demonstrate researched-based equity practices and offer pedagogical examples of the lesson and unit plans.
The keynote will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by P.R.I.D.E. Director Dr. Aisha White and featuring Dr. Muhammad and Bekezela Mguni, a queer Trinidadian artist, radical librarian, and educator with more than 15 years of community organizing experience in the Reproductive Justice movement.
The webinar starts at 4 pm ET and is completely free! All you have to do is register here to participate via Zoom.
Don’t forget to attend! This event is one-night-only and will not be available as a recording.

Virtual Library

Did you know that your student has access to tens of thousands of books and audiobooks online? This is an incredible tool that your student and family can use to read as many books as you could possibly want. Don’t miss out on this resource! (You can also add the Denver Public Library to your profile to access even more titles)
To learn how to use this app, please watch the video below. (English & Spanish options below)

Order Your Hallett Spirit Wear!

Download the Order Form

Download the order forms to the left, and pick out your Hallett spirit wear!To order:

  1. Select Adult or Youth, and the sizes next to the items you wish to order.
  2. If applicable select the color.
  3. Indicate how many of each item you wish to order.
  4. Multiple the Quantity by the Unit Price for the Amount
  5. Add up all numbers in the Amount column for the Total.
  6. Please turn in your order form, along with your payment to Ms. NàDea in the front office. Cash only please!

Order forms are due by Tuesday, September 28!!

Food Resources

DPS Access to Meals

Free Meals for All Students 18 Years and Younger Will Extend Through the 2021-22 School Year!

All students enrolled in Denver Public Schools will have access to breakfast and lunch meals at no cost, regardless of free and reduced meal eligibility. A la carte options (second entrée, milk, bottled water, snacks, etc.) will be available for purchase at school sites. Adult meals may be purchased, $3.00 for breakfast and $4.50 for lunch. For students who select a school lunch, they will go to the cafeteria line and choose from a variety of entrees and fruit/vegetable sides. Students will enter their student ID at the cashier only if they purchase a la carte items.
Families who would like to get meals for children at home may go to their nearest school cafeteria and request meals for children 18 years and younger.

Families are encouraged to complete a Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application to be eligible for additional family benefits and school funding, including items such as fee waivers, EBT benefits, and to ensure proper funding for schools.

FACE Center

The FACE Centers offer free wraparound services to community members 16 or older in order to obtain critical life skills to increase their economic self-sufficiency and the academic achievement of their students.

The FACE Centers offer a variety of multi-generation services at one location, making it convenient for families to benefit from multiple services offered in their school community. Participants do not have to be DPS parents, all services are open to all community members.


  • GED Classes
  • Workforce development: Job placement, resume building, workforce training, interview preparation
  • DPS Hiring Pipeline: for jobs available in Food Services Department, Facilities, Paraprofessional and more!
  • English Classes
  • Financial LiteracyCitizenship classes
  • Computer classes
  • Early Literacy classes
  • Legal Clinics and Workshops
  • Basic needs assistance
  • Social Emotional Support
  • Free Childcare during all classes

FACE Center – Johnson Elementary School

1850 South Irving St. Denver, CO 80219 Phone: 720.424.2970

FACE Center – John H. Amesse Elementary School

54400 Scranton St. Denver, CO, 80239 Phone: 720.424.2961