Letter From the Nurse

Posted November 9, 2023

Dear Hallett families,

As we head into another cold and flu season, I would like to remind everyone of the DPS policies on illness and exclusion. It helps our school stay as healthy as possible if you keep your child home when there is a known illness or clear symptoms. Return to school after a fever is 24 hours fever free WITHOUT fever-reducing medications, including any cold medicine with acetaminophen on the label. DPS and therefore Hallett follows the Colorado Department of Health’s guide here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RcdCmU4SYXwmVhJrA3Pyk0gP0MTDClkF/view

You may see a BinaxNow COVID test kit in your student’s backpack if I send them home from school early. I am not allowed to administer the tests at school, but I have a large supply of lovingly donated tests that will expire (according to the FDA extension: https://www.fda.gov/media/158003/download) in December. Feel free to use those however best serves your family and contact me if you need more tests.

If your child has asthma, remember that cold weather is coming and we will need an inhaler at school. Most elementary school aged students are not able to self-carry. If needed, the nurse can contact doctors with your signed consent to help obtain the necessary documents, but an asthma attack with no medication is a 9-1-1 call!

Thank you for your help keeping our little Hallett Hawks safe and healthy at school.

Amanda Stuart

School nurse
