Posted December 2, 2020
This is an exciting year for your child(ren) as they’re finishing their time in elementary school, but it’s also time to plan for middle school. This process typically includes visiting schools, completing choice forms no later than February 16, and registering your child(ren) in late spring or summer. This year will look a little different. While this can be overwhelming and frustrating, we hope the information below will be helpful in your search.
If you live in the neighborhood around Hallett, you are in an “enrollment zone”.
Our Zone is:
Greater Park Hill / Central Park Middle School Zone
Your child is guaranteed a seat at one of the six area schools listed above, just not one school in particular.
If you live in Far Northeast, your Enrollment Zone has 13 options for Middle School. If you live west of Colorado Blvd, you may be in the Near Northeast Enrollment zone with 4 options.
Please let us know if you need help looking at your options.
Enter your address in SchoolFinder to be sure of your Zone:
What should I be doing now?
Schools have already started reaching out to families via email. They are providing “Virtual Tours” and additional information on their websites. We encourage you to check out each school of interest and participate in virtual information sessions as you are able. You can read more about Middle Schools at
When do I make my selections?
First Round Choice selections MUST be submitted online between Jan. 15 – Feb. 16 (by 4pm). **All current 5th Grade families MUST participate in Choice online and rank schools you’d like your child to attend. If you miss this window, your chances of attending a school of your choosing decrease dramatically.
How do I apply?
Apply at to rank your selections! You do not receive an advantage applying early, but you MUST apply by February 16th at 4pm.(You will need verification of your child’s age and verification of your current address.)
Who can help me?
Contact Enrollment Services at 720-423-3493 or Or reach out to our Family Liaison, Ali Larson, at