Dear Hallett Families, We are preparing to welcome our Kindergarten and 1st Grade students back into the building on Tuesday, September 29th. We look forward to transitioning our in-person learners back and are hard at work preparing our classrooms and campus for their safe arrival. Many protocols and procedures will be in place to keep our children and team safe during this time. Please continue reading below for important information about our transitions.
Important Dates
Friday, September 25th: All K-5 Students participate in asynchronous learning (no live instruction on this day)
Monday, September 28th: No School for All Students
Tuesday, September 29th: First Day of In-Person Learning for Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Hallett Updates: Return to In-Person Learning (K-1)
The most recent return-to-school guidelines that we have received from DPS and Denver Health place the following limitations on in-person instruction:
Cohort sizes may not exceed 35 students and cohorts may not mix. We intend to keep our cohorts under 25 students.
Cohorts may be served by up to 4 adults over the course of the day as long as there are not more than 2 adults with a cohort at the same time.
Teachers can support up to 2 different cohorts in person.
Students in grades K-5 should be socially distanced a minimum of 3 feet. Adults must maintain a 6-foot distance from each other, and 3-foot distance from students.
Students and adults must maintain appropriate physical distancing, wear masks, and practice daily hygiene.
In addition to adhering to these safety guidelines, our top priority for the return-to-school transition is that we maintain consistency and relationships for our students and staff. Therefore, we are maintaining the general structure of our school day when students return to campus. Some parts of our day will look different. These include:
The school day for students will be from 9 am – 3:30 pm
Masks must be worn at all times with the exception of meals and mask breaks. NO GAITERS OR BANDANAS.
Every cohort/classroom will have its own entrance/exit into the building. This will be the only door that the cohort uses to get into/out of the building.
If your child is late to school, he/she will need to enter the front door and be checked by the front office.
All Parents/Guardians must complete a health screening with their child(ren) before arriving at school.
Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children are safe and healthy before arriving at school.
Parents/Guardians will conduct symptom screening before they arrive in person and temperatures will be taken at home if possible
Those that do not pass the self-report screening MUST stay home and CANNOT come to school. Please call the attendance line at school, notifying the school of illness
This pre-screening must be done via the app Safe Access. (General guide for at-home screening can be found HERE (and below)). We will send more information about the Safe Access app next week.
Students will have their temperature checked prior to entering the building every morning.
Hand washing will take place every 2 hours at a minimum.
Meals will be eaten in the classroom while maintaining 3-6′ social distance. Breakfast and lunch will be taken to them and individually served.
Breakfast and lunch will continue to be provided at no cost.
Recess will look a little different as cohorts can only interact with themselves. There will be no intermixing of cohorts at Recess and each cohort will have designated space outdoors to play.
For the safety of the community, no visitors are allowed inside the school building, including parents and families.